4.2.2018New virtual server and system... fixing stuff
12.3.2017BIOS update to server - this resolves many problems. :)
12.4.2016Added thumbnails to the comment page.
12.4.2016Welcome to NEW SERVER! If something is broken, please tell us. :)
11.3 - 24.3.2016Big problems with 1) networking 2) server provider 3) server provider
2.1.2016All 2015 calendar flashes
1.12.2015Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)
9.7.2015Once a day frontpage will check your flash version and pop-up if you have an old version active.
4.2.2015Enabled SSL (TLS) encryption to login/register pages. If those are not working for you, you can just remove 's' from the url.
21.1.201512345 flashes
Dagobah Flash Gallery
So we hope you enjoy the new Dagobah system and share it with your friends.
~Dagobah staff
first ich have to say: nice chances on the layout of the page, I aways wanted to have favourites, the only thing I still miss is a filter funktion for the search. I would like to watch everything except games for example. would be nice if you implement that.
Greetings, BurndOwn
But yeah, it ( ... )ing sucks.
We are not making "yet another community site". There's just too many of them.
So basically we are trying to keep this site easy and practical to use without too many things on it. We don't have profile pages or other things. We just don't need those.
There's now FB link for those who need a community.
You made some piece of work out of it
I see you also took a few of those suggestions like favorites.
Shame i cant use my old login name for some reason, doesnt matter at all tho.
But damn this looks neat and tidy
Looks kinda... i dont know...
I just dont like it. :/
Also, green looks pretty good, but I think I prefer the old orange.
Please add an option to switch back to the old layout.
New layout is always incoherent at first but 10 minutes of browsing helps you create the image of the site in your head. Navigating is mostly done in our brains. We know where every link leads and where the content is located. So it's easy to surf trough the site. When something changes and does not work as we have used to, we get confused.
I'll bet that even if you hate Dagobah now and want punch me to face for this one, you will like it in the future as you get used to it.
Please give us back the practical and easy to use layout..
Visited flashes are with grey background. New ones are with black. You just have to notice it and then you'll see them.
"Some people like new things, some people like old things."
Yes, if the older thing is better than the new thing people will want to go back to the old better thing, and if that isn't possible then yes, they will eventually get used to the new thing since it takes too much energy to keep hating on it.
With all this negativism said though i realize that it's a lot of work so you're not going to change back any time soon, and this new layout is better for searching through old videos since you have really big previews, BUT;
The charm of dagobah has always for me been to just click the name of the flash and then see what it is, no preview, no nothing. It could be heaven or it could be hell. So while this new site is good for navigating old flashes, it takes the charm out of watching the daily new batch of flashes.
Either way this new site is pretty nice if I'm to judge it in general and not specifically compared to the old site. Dark background with bright text is a MUST because of the ergonomical factor, and the green is a pretty nice bright color. Not too yellowish, not too bright, not too dark. It's a nice color pick.
So don't take it too hard with the critique, the new site is nice, but it is a huge step towards becoming a newgrounds (which might be the ambition?) instead of a simple online folder where .swf's are dumped.
The issue isn't whether navigating is easier or harder now, the issue is that I don't want to navigate! I just want to 1 click a filename without a preview and see what pops up. (also if a site can be popular DESPITE it being ugly, as the old site was, then that is proof that the content on it is interesting, whenever I go onto a nice looking site I always suspect that there's anything worth my time on it, so this is why the new site looking good bothers me, it gives you some leeway with the content)
There's also one thing that most of the people doesn't understand. When the old layout was published it didn't look the same as it did week ago. We had made so many improvements and it had the finishing touch. It was really impossible to change anything. So with this new layout we are free again to make some changes and improve it further.
At the same time we made some heavy code rewriting and there's some huge improvements behind the layout. This was also made to keep up with the growing userbase. Fast loading has been always one of the main direction and it's also the very first reason to create this site (more info may be added into help pages).
The fears that we are trying to change this "small" and focused site into large community portal are unnecessary. Our goal is to be place where you can find quality stuff fast and easily.
"simple online folder where .swf's are dumped."
It is impossible to please everyone. For an example you have your own opinion but in this case it does not meet ours which makes you unhappy because you wanted something else. Still, we can do compromises and the new layout is our compromise. Everything for everyone!
And what comes for the newgrounds thingy is that this is as far as we advance into that direction. We like keeping things simple.
But if you have something to say (even if it is negative) we want to hear it! I am not the person who takes things too seriously and neither is mRkukov. Feel free to say everything you want :D
And the new design is horrible.
I tried uploading a loop. The site claims it's in the rejected database and said I can vote it back. I click on the provided link and it tells me I have to be logged in, then sends me back to the front page (which says I -am- logged in). Any idea what's wrong?
I mean, I might be going blind because of the alcohol, or it might be that I'm using the FF4.0 Beta 3, but I can't see any gray. (Visited half of those)
Can you tell me what browser you are using? Works fine FF3.6.8 and 4, Opera 10.7, Chrome, IE 8. You need also javascript so if you are using some noscript it won't work.
Feel free to drink more. It's just your browser. FF3.6 shows correctly but FF 4 doesn't.
I'm kind of getting used to the layout, but light text on dark background isn't really my favorite.
Other than that, I just miss that I could easily see which flashes were rated above 3.5 because of the color of the rating number.
Now all links look the same (except for the huge thumbnails).
I guess I can't really make demands here, but my ideas for improvement would be:
1: Add an option to change the basic colors of the website (dark text, light bg)
2: Make the rating more obvious on the frontpage.
3: Recreate those small thumbnails that grew bigger when you hover over them.
Though I guess I'll get used to the current layout eventually.
Peace out.
Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; nl) Presto/2.6.30 Version/10.60
You can fix this easly with replacing the body font-family value with '"Arial", "Liberation Sans", Helvetica, sans-serif'.
I've also found another bug when you try to retrieve your forgotten password. After retrieving the email and updating the username(?), email and password I revieve some php "is not a valid query object" errors. The password isn't updated at all.
And another request would be to improve the tagging somehow. The current tags are pretty much useless to find flashes, because they are inconsistent and it's also to few to search for them. Also it would be nice if registered users could edit the tags.
"2: Make the rating more obvious on the frontpage."
How do you like it now? (you may need to refresh http://dagobah.net/css/dagobah.css )
You can't change the username. I made a better instruction there and yes, it's working.
Also refresh the css to get the fonts. Thanks for informing this bug.
I think that's also linux only bug. I can make an option to disable it.
Does it happen if you first click the flash and then press keys?
Firefox 3.6.7, i have noscript but i have allowed all scripts on dagobah.
Also, arrow keys are working (for the last/next/random flash).
I'm using gnu/linux (archlinux) with openbox but I don't think it has something to do with my problem.
I'm not sure what was changed, but I'm starting to get used to the ratings now.
What I liked about the old style though, was that the color of the rating number changed depending on how high/low the rating was, rather than having them all in the same color as it is now.
Ok, this one works for me. Thanks.
> Also refresh the css to get the fonts. Thanks for informing this bug.
The bug still persists. Helvetica is too wide. I will take a look at that.
> Does it happen if you first click the flash and then press keys?
Yes, it also happens if the flash has the focus.
Now the star indicates how good the flash is.
No star = bad
Almost invisible star = medium
Bright star = good
>> Does it happen if you first click the flash and then press keys?
>Yes, it also happens if the flash has the focus.
Ok that's weird. Maybe I have to disable the feature for all linux and mac users. In windows the player will take all the controls so there's no problems. Or do you have better idea?
Im on gnu/linux and i don't have any problem with the focusing.
The best would be to allow users to enable or disable it manually.
That's neat, ty
the old version was better, i dont mind change but its just not as good anymore ;_;
i just realised i dident give my reasons why.
ratings are harder to see with the new star thing, cant see what order things were uploaded in, the whole colour scheme reminds me of funny junk (and that site is a mess).
having said that, i like the favourates option
Left to right, up to down. Like reading a western world newspaper.
I think you're overstating a bit, aren't you?
it would be nice if you could add a setting to turn off the "browse with your keyboard"-feature in the profile.
My Mouse use the keys for the browser forward and backward.
If you're not going to give us the old layout back you could at least change the bright green banner on the upper edge of the flash window. It's giving me a headache.
What about decreasing your monitor's brightness level?
This is a piss poor way of saying "no, we like it." Considering the feedback is saying "we hate the new layout," I think you shouldn't try to defend it. Accept that it isn't as good and change it to what people want. Make a poll so you can see raw data instead of trying to defend yourselves in a sea of complaints.
Don't worry. We take the feedback seriously and we will see what to do next.
I know what I said was mean and I am really sorry about that one, but it just sounded so hilarious I just had to say it.
And not to the point... Actually we're not even defending it. According to this page there are about 30 people who don't like the improvements. That's really small amount when thinking how many people are visiting this site daily. In addition we have received huge amounts of positive comments outside the Dagobah web page from which we have found the reason to keep this site as it is now. And yes, we personally like this site more than we liked the old one. That's one hell good reason to stick with the new design. If it wouldn't have appeared this way we would have changed it to the original system.
But remember that this site ain't even ready yet. We have many things in our to-do-list and this is the point where we are listening your comments and getting new ideas. Sadly we can't or even want to put your every wish into practice.
This debate reminds me the ruckus when Windows XP was released. Microsoft added many new features which differed so much from the older releases that people didn't like it. Now, when Windows Vista/7 came out the reaction was the same :D Everybody is hoping for new system which resembles XP! This world is really wicked.
Peace out, partners!
still dont like it. you definately should run a poll to see what users actually think.
I have to concentrate a lot when I'm reading and it kind of hurts my eyes. >_<
I also get this weird feeling that the old "bright" dagobah was more "friendly", while this dark theme feels a bit more depressing and uninviting.
That being said, I'll probably get used to the color theme too, but wouldn't it be easy to add an option allowing members to swap between two different color themes?
I tried simply inverting all the colors in photoshop and it actually looks pretty good ^^
Check it out:
Much easier on the eyes =]
I realized just now that the Dagobah logo isn't a button (I just assumed it was)
Clicking the logo should do the same thing as clicking "home", it's nice and easy
and you usually want to be able to get to the frontpage quickly without having to pinpoint the "home-button".
That may depend on your monitor. Brightness/contrast, tft or crt, refresh rate (low refresh rate when using crt monitors can make your eyes hurt)... There are so many variables that is it impossible to create layout that fits for everyone and does look cool at the same time. To my eyes this layout is easy to read and does not hurt my eyes, but I believe it does cause eye strain for some one. Try to decrease brightness and contrast and tell if it looks the same!
Hmm! That's a good idea! Just like in the facebook.
I still prefer a bright theme, but I guess the current one looks better than the complete opposite (inverted colors) :]
An option for alternate colors would still be awesome though =]
Well i'm also testing this site with netbook and really low brightness. This comment box is one of the most difficult to use since the text and background is almost the same. Everything else looks mostly usable.
Option for alternative colors... that sounds kind of spooky.
It seems my monitor is so expensive that I have no such problems :D And yes the inverted color thingy would rape the layout really bad.. :D
for instance, so I don't get any games while randoming.
You are second to ask it so we will thnk about that ;)
I know of a submission on your site that DOES NOT belong here. It DOES NOT belong to anyone on this site and the owner of the flash DID NOT AT ANY TIME submit it to this site.
I'm referring to the "Rhi popipo" flash. It is to my understanding that this has received many views/comments. This is particularly distressing as the owner did not know that HER WORK was posted to this site.
All the attention this flash has received is rightfully hers, and furthermore it is her right to post her own work. She has specified that anything she posts on her deviantart account (including Rhi popipo) should not be posted/reproduced anywhere other than her DeviantArt account. Which you have violated.
Please look into this. Do not disregard this complaint and CERTAINLY do not disregard the rights and wishes of the original creator and rightful owner of this flash work.
Here is her DeviantArt account: http://www.little-miss-boxie.deviantart.com/
Nothing is protected on the internet :]
I remember when SEGA tried to sue ytmnd.com for using images of Sonic in several gifs :D
That didn't go so well ^^
Also, when someone uploads a flash to dagobah, it clearly says:
"You have to be the copyright owner of the files you are going to upload. if not, be sure that they are freely distributed!"
So it's not really their responsibility, but if she personally wants them to remove it, I'm sure they will.
However, I've been to her deviantart a couple of times, ankd I can't really see anything about her not wanting to spread her work?
If anything, i'd say that the flash being posted here is really good advertisement for her.
I personally went to her deviantart straight away after watching the flash here.
I really understand your worry and we will remove copyrighted material that is not allowed to put here.
Why I don't remove that file right away? Read there at the comments. (and this doesn't belong to feedback)
Post comments to improve/fix the gallery.
Don't post comments for some specific file out there!
#79: Yes. Please!
At least an option for manual choice of colors, would already help a lot. Reading this white/gray text on black blackground *really* is exhausting.
Try again. You can.
Help me
Search games
find a good one
click the download link at the top (disc icon + size)
...or you can just use this site to play them.
With the favorites you can collect the good ones and access them later in the instergalactic afterski.
I tried this out, and for some reason I intuitively clicked the rating amount, probably because it was gray and had parenthesis.
I did this twice in a row before realizing that it wasn't the comments ^^;
Clicking comments works, but it would be nice if it was highlighted or underlined when you hover over it
at least keep the old site up there as like an option, and use the same database. i don't care how just get it done.
i swear to god, i won't return.
( ... ) this shit. like hell i would tell anyone about this place anymore now.
im sure it took a lot of work, and i appreciate the developer comments and feedback.
but i dislike to so ( ... )ing bad that i'm considering not coming back.
at the very least out the old site there for people to use who hate this version. shouldn't it be pretty much cut and paste?
maybe i'll warm up to it. i probably will, but this is not new and exciting to me, it's new and aggravating. i simply do not want to sit down and get comfortable with it. i am unable to since i dislike it so much.
and if i cant come back here to browse by the old site, i might never make the leap to grow to like the new design.
first thing i saw was that somehow a competing shitty flash site had been ranking high in google. huh. at least it had the flash i searched for. then i wanted to go to dagobah since this one was so unbelievable shitty, and i get back here. and now im thinking SHIT, someone's bought the address and closed down dagobah. and after that it dawns on me that its a ( ... )ING REDESIGN. now, last thing i do before clicking on developer feedback is to frantically look for an option to view the old site. no ( ... )ing dice.
i could swallow everything here, if given the option to keep the old design.
We won't bring back the old site and layout. That's for sure.
What may be possible is that we bring the old style listing as an option. But this is not a promise.
i liked that it was a simple site for simple flash animations.
Seems like people are really creatures of habit.
It's good to hear that even someone respects our work in here feedback!
Please give us back a simple list view, at least as an option.
Give it a try and you'll see that it doesn't differ so much from the old listing method. How come rating system is incoherent? Would colored text on ratings help to make it more clear?
I figured out why I don’t like the site anymore though, the old style let you see much more information in much less space. The new layout also looks a lot like a generic site now too... more specifically the generic site www.funnyjunk.com (if you haven’t heard of it, its like a even more childish version of 4chan, a truly awful site)
the old style was simple and showed more information in less space I think if you rearranged the new layout similar to how it was set out before it would quell a lot of the bitching.
The ratings are showed both stars and numbers. Stars indicate easy method of viewing which flash is popular. We had numeral rating system in the old listing and numerals here once again. So what's the problem? Of course numbers are not listed in the same row which may reduce it's usability.
There was no stars at all in the old listing.
but it looks really neat and im getting used to it fast =D
You did have a star rating in the old style but not on the main page, perhaps combining the actual numerical rating into the star might help?
I was also only commenting on what I thought #92's issue with the rating is
my only real issue is that you get much less information in the new vertical layout in a same sized screen then you did previously in the old horizontal layout combined with the small thumbnails
Perhaps trying smaller icons in the new style will improve it or moving the most viewed/featured back to the top
Really miss the old banner at the top of the page though. T_T
What about it?
Let us know if you change your mind!
#102 shows my point perfectly
Thanks for the info. Now the 50MB upload is possible again.
If you can find a way to fix it easily then I will. If we remove "next" tags then some other browsers fastforwards and other basic features are not working anymore. I'll return to this problem later.
You might wanna correct that spelling mistake on the main page saying ''check the new fetures''
rofl. Thanks. ;D
Sweet Thank you. :D
so wadaya think
If the website stays alive for a very long time and the internet progresses in speed and features do you really think this is for ever and ever like a married couple?
And broke everyhing else. Flashes use 100% width and height. The only way to fix it would be that the plugin wouldn't find the next one. Why there isn't option to disable it?
Besides that, you can do better than the "D" on the tabs, I like the larger preview images, I support the idea of putting a filter in the searches and like to be able to see the tags's occurrences.
Other than that, i think the site kept its simplicity while getting a kind of "new" design. If people doesn't want change then it might be a good idea to implement a "settings" page to personalize the site (i.e.: number of columns, change of the colour of the banner, background, text, etc.., an editing button...)
And there is no button to turn it off if you aint regged..
It's the basic view without any options.
what about the "hide nsfw warning"? Please add it back again
Just register/login and it's in the intergalactic afterski.
Meh, just add one for users that aint logged in.. like befor..
Just checked "intergalactic afterski" (PLEASE JUST CHANGE THE NAME TO OPTIONS OR SETTINGS)
and i can apparently turn off the nsfw warning without regging myself. O.o
Even if it was abit hard to find..
just so ya know
The new one is not finished yet.
~Mumin trollet~
Your srs?
Learn to explain so that other people would understand?
nothing else to it
(well it's not good finnish but it's used sometimes)
They killed the old site.. dagobah.biz dont exist any more : (
Some parts of the old site does exist, for the registered users.
I think we will (when we make a bigger update there).
I hate you so much for tricking me to do that :( ..
Btw, did google ( ... ) up the standard chrome style theme in the latest update?
Hmm... Swedish isn't allowed anymore?
Too bad. I used to like the little nordic touch it gave, even though you hardly ever saw anyone using it.
True, fixed.
It should work in IE8.
Clicking the heart -> it stays "selected" and re-click -> unselect.
With slow network it may take few seconds (ajax).
Take it easy and do not reject all flashes. Rejected list have lots of good flashes!!
prefer english (fin/swe is also allowed)