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posted: 31.8.2009
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comments for vtech.swf
Did it for teh lulz!:-D
#1 - Anonymous - 08/31/2009 - 18:07
old but cool
#2 - dsds - 08/31/2009 - 18:18
nice music. sauce plix :D
#3 - Roxz - 08/31/2009 - 19:40
This is why we can have nice things.
#4 - meh - 08/31/2009 - 20:14
Good ol' bad taste
#5 - Anonymous - 08/31/2009 - 21:56
I'm really the first one to say "VTEC Just Kicked In Yo"? I almost feel ashamed posting now.
#6 - TheCancer - 09/01/2009 - 07:46
How the hell do i win?
#7 - Wat - 09/03/2009 - 17:42
Yes, because they say it in the game, you dork.
#8 - tripfaggot - 09/03/2009 - 22:06
Stage 1: Kill the girl in the lower right. And if anyone sees, kill them too, then return to your dorm.
Stage 2: Sneak around the cops to the post office then to the classrooms.
Stage 3: Shoot everyone inside the classrooms.

Congrats, you win. And kill yourself.
#9 - AnonPerson - 09/06/2009 - 20:38
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
What a crappy game!

By the way; in all school shootings, including Columbine and VTech, the kids have (always) been hopped up on SSRI's, in other words on antidepressants and antipsychotics -- psychiatric medications.

Antidepressants in reality make you want to commit suicide more, and actually increases depression and leads to all sorts of problems, and messes you up mentally big time (and then the solution to that given by the doctors is MORE DRUGS). Besides that they also do hardcore physical damage in the brain, and the rest of the body (no wonder since they're based on fluoride molecules), plus they are highly addictive.

One thing (and this is just 1 thing of many) that they do is cause you to be detached from reality & people, and make aggression hormones flood to the brain, often leading to a lust for blood and death. (which ends up resulting in harm and death of others, or of the person on the drug)

It doesn't only show itself in school shootings (duh, of course, it effects millions of people's personal lives and relationships, but i mean in specific events LIKE shootings where it's reported on and something specific happened and manifested itself, y'know, an event), but also in other cases, such as mothers who've suddenly decided to microwave their baby or drown it, or girls cutting their breasts off, and so on... (this sh|t happens to women mostly cause their the ones who are told to get on the drugs, more so than men).

For males it usually more likely ends up as shootings or other kinds of violent sprees, etc...

It mostly concerns women though, young girls especially, teenage ones, and those in their 20's. It's very sad to see their lives getting ruined by this crap and having their minds bent.

Oh yeah, the drugs totally change their personalities as well (turns them into weak, blank, dolls), or one could say that it ROBS them of their individuality and character and everything that makes them what they are.

Oh yeah... the drugs also make them irrational and unable to make logical choices, make them lose their normal thinking ability.

And maybe worst of all, since it does that + strips them of their personality; it makes them over time have less and less inhibitions and things. So, they then can't see what is Right and what is Wrong, and thus they end up hanging out with people that they would never hang out with before, doing things they would never do before, thinking things they never would have, "liking" this and that, due to their own personality being gone so they have nothing left - no solid ground - to base their choices on (ie, what is right and wrong) anymore.

So in the end it completely changes people into something they are not.

And they can't see it.

#10 - Anon - 10/30/2009 - 17:55
sorry for double post
I also need to mention that it's VERY dangerous to simply stop taking such meds. Suddenly stopping them may lead to complete psychotic breaks. Among other things.

It takes about a year (minimum 6 months) to go off the drugs. It needs to be done very slowly. Incrementally, lowering the dosage. And meanwhile eating more really healthy food that contains a lot vitamins and minerals that your body severely lacks.

(it's funny that some people think that's a strange thing, huh? i mean, it's pretty common knowledge that even lack of proper nutrition and vitamins lead to fatigue and depression....... at least it was before the advent of modern so-called 'psychiatry' and their medicines... now people think everything (even if you just feel tiny bit sad) needs to be treated with hardcore hallucinogenic mindbending drugs -- and that that is the preferred and first course of action even... Hey, if a family member or close friend dies, you're supposed to be sad, depressed, and grieve... if you don't THEN something is terribly wrong)
#11 - Anon - 10/30/2009 - 18:13
Pres A+X to skip any part. ANY PART.
#12 - TheCancer - 01/03/2010 - 19:37
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