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Rating: 3.64 (142)
hits: 17561
size: 2.5 MB
posted: 5.5.2007
approved by: mRkukov
Music video
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comments for sada_end.swf
2 stars wtf? looks like you guys fail at popular culture
#1 - ringu - 05/05/2007 - 23:09
Nowadays we have too many "lolol this sucks lolol"-guys and you can't expect anything from them. :-(

Hmm... should I put "lol" into the word filter? :-D
#2 - mrkukov - 05/05/2007 - 23:20
What is this..? o,o
#3 - Inofor - 05/06/2007 - 00:33
#4 - mrkukov - 05/06/2007 - 13:44
Judging, from the black haired girl, the well and videotapes, I believe this is Ring.
#5 - FinPro - 06/14/2007 - 19:28
They actually managed to make her cute.
Where do I get those pics?
#6 - TecDax - 09/30/2007 - 02:10
Good music,good pics..
But the horseman... He doesn' really fit..
It's a good work.. (I can't say that it's bad,because i can't paint and i don't know how to make a flash-movie)
#7 - SeriouslyDamaged - 10/19/2007 - 12:27
hes name is Sadako Yamamura, you can find more pics with just Sadako.

Oh frogot to tell you hes a male, he has a Androgen insensitivity syndrome and that makes him a male.

dont you feel good now?
#8 - all knowing man - 12/29/2007 - 17:42
It looked like the girl from the ring!! Lol, so his name is Sadako Yamamura. Amazed you know so much...
#9 - Loves Puppeteers - 02/23/2008 - 23:19
wait a sec, a male?
Why?, Sadako is a female name. And it's suppose that is the same girl from the ring, because Samara->The Ring like Sadako->Ringu ._.
#10 - Anon - 05/14/2008 - 04:34
The song
Requesting the Song, plz
#11 - asdf - 05/14/2008 - 04:38
So is this not an anime? He/she is adorable.
#12 - Dwindle - 06/01/2008 - 03:05
Need song!!!
#13 - anoon - 01/06/2009 - 18:31
Music for this?
I found this .swf on 4chan, and finally tracked it down myself. I truly love this video, what's driving me crazy though is that I have no idea what the song is. Would you mind telling me the name of the song used?
#14 - ▲▲ - 01/28/2009 - 14:27
I have this song and I have it listed as NOVAnonstop by 5-111. I don't know if that's the correct info, but that's what I have it as. The part used in this flash is at the very end of the song, which itself is about 10 minutes long. Still, it's a pretty cool track.

More importantly, megaupload'd!
#15 - Anon - 02/28/2010 - 10:13
this person have boobs! it's a she!
she is in a swimsuit on a picture.
i need to know the anime!
#16 - ... - 05/10/2011 - 18:20
#16 again.
when i said swimsuit i was wrong.
she haves no panties on...
#17 - ... - 05/12/2011 - 21:56
I might be one whole decade late, but the 7 year old megaupload doesn't work anymore because obviously the website was taken down since then. BUT, i did find the source of the song on geocites.jp its "Nova Usagi Remix - Ouch Resurrection", you can find it on this archive https://archive.org/details/novausagiremix/xxx_ouch-resurrection. mp3 it's a remix of something by an Eikaiwa that went bankrupt in 2007
#18 - A2K8 - 05/19/2017 - 23:08
sada end,never end
#19 - KC - 02/06/2025 - 17:23
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