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Rating: 3.47 (249)
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size: 176 KB
posted: 5.10.2006
approved by: mRkukov
loop - pedobear walking
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comments for pedobear.swf
This is only a guess... but is the music from Matrix or some sort of remix? I think I heard it in Matrix credits, without the "oh yeah".

#1 - LukkiStarr - 02/22/2007 - 17:10
The song is from Godzilla.. It's Puff Daddy w/ Jimmy Page - Come With Me and it's a cover.
#2 - Anonymouse - 02/25/2007 - 13:12
The guitar (coupled with an electric keyboard) is from the Led Zeppelin desert-based song 'Kashmir'. Now I don't know if you're maybe referring to 'Godzilla' by Blue Oyster Cult, But that is, without a doubt, 'Kashmir'.

And as for Puff Daddy doing a song with Jimmy Page... what you really mean is 'Puff Daddy w/ the Pre-Recording Backing Melody From Kashmir Stuck On Repeat'
#3 - Respect The Rock Gods, Please - 04/26/2007 - 02:38
Needs to be a fiftyfoot tall version of this stomping through Tokyo.
#4 - Dreamstate - 02/21/2008 - 20:40
This is the "theme" song to Godzilla, the movie, made around 2000.
That's what he meant. And it's called "Come with me", I believe.
#5 - Blank - 12/25/2008 - 03:00
wasn't there a live performance with huge screens behind them, with a really big walking Anubis or something, after which this .swf was made? I've been searching for it so long. anybody knows it?
#6 - DKSkater - 09/15/2011 - 15:15
#7 - LuigiSTYLE - 09/21/2024 - 06:16
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