13764 flashes &


Rating: 4.04 (196)
hits: 23694
size: 1.7 MB
posted: 15.2.2011
approved by: sinnfreichan
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All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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12345 flashes

Dagobah Flash Gallery

What kind of crappy game is this anyways?

Kinda bad idea basing a game around a "laser" jumping ability if the controls are this unresponsive, and especially when spikes having really crappy hit detection.
#1 - msx2 - 02/15/2011 - 18:12
Trolling hard msx2
#2 - 333333333333333333 - 02/15/2011 - 19:02
It's not that bad, at least I could easily complete it. But I admit the controls could have been better. I laughed at the secret dinosaur level though.
#3 - Bobi - 02/15/2011 - 19:04
At the start of the game instead of following the crap go west (up) for secret level.
#4 - 333333333333333333 - 02/15/2011 - 19:04
Glasses mode unlocked!
#5 - - - 02/15/2011 - 20:47
Great game. 5'd.
#6 - LordJebe - 02/15/2011 - 22:30
Bad Controls: The Game
#7 - Anonymous - 02/16/2011 - 08:00
coulndt complete the game cuz the sucky controls
#8 - detras - 02/16/2011 - 15:13
I completed this game twice, one with the big crab on with a big dragon :P
#9 - ColdIce - 02/18/2011 - 09:26
( ... )in dinosaurs
#10 - Anonymous - 02/23/2011 - 15:25
this had a funny story, I kinda for-saw that he was gunna go back in time again xD
#11 - ipaqmaster - 02/25/2011 - 07:08
This one was really entertaining. Well done, laddie!
#12 - HamiltonJones - 09/15/2011 - 14:11
Looks like
*puts on glasses*
I've created a new reality
#13 -   - 12/18/2011 - 16:32
That was soo crapy :-P
#14 - Angelica Brook - 02/10/2012 - 22:03
Crappy crapp crap crap :-O
#15 - Angelica Brook - 02/10/2012 - 22:06
^ hater
#16 - guesswho - 05/20/2013 - 19:59
i loved the comments that you would get. I WILL NEVER DANCE AGAIN MOM NEVER AGAIN!!! that added to the fun of this game
#17 - guess who - 01/08/2014 - 00:36
top gear music B-)
#18 - Name - 01/30/2015 - 17:57
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   prefer english (fin/swe is also allowed)
;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o :-O B-) :oops: :-[] :-P
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