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Rating: 4.22 (417)
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size: 506 KB
posted: 28.12.2007
approved by: mRkukov
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comments for mikuclock.swf
Hatsune Miku from VOCALOID2 program.
#1 - Zeus - 12/28/2007 - 22:02
And why would this be necessary? I got a clock on my screen, dumb shit
#2 - Anon - 12/28/2007 - 22:25
#3 - Cube - 12/28/2007 - 22:45
Because of the song.
#4 - Guest - 12/28/2007 - 23:47
So cute
#5 - nisseman - 12/28/2007 - 23:47
i like it ^^
#6 - db d - 12/29/2007 - 03:50
Eternal gratitude to a person if he/she writes this into an alarm clock program. I'd kill to wake up to a singing, dancing Miku.
#7 - Zalsa - 12/29/2007 - 05:41
CRAP! 1 star!
#8 - The check - 12/29/2007 - 21:46
Info about a program please?
#9 - dfds - 12/30/2007 - 14:52
"VOCALOID is a vocal-synthesizing software that enables song writers to generate authentic-sounding singing on their PCs by simply typing in the lyrics and music notes of their compositions."

Unfortunately VOCALOID2 only supports japanese.

But, there is three english versions of vocaloid: Leon, Lola and Miriam.

And there is Meiko & Kaito version, which too supports only japanese

more info:
http://www.zero-g.co.uk/index.cf m?articleid=803

Great sample:
#10 - Zeus - 12/30/2007 - 15:42
Thank you.
#11 - dfds - 12/31/2007 - 10:17
can i get a Download link to this flach
#12 - . - 01/03/2008 - 13:26
Vocaloid2 supports only japanese? You'd better be joking. Delete *_japanese.dll in VOCALOID folder and you'll get it in ENGLISH!
Which means Yamaha made vocaloid2 in English by default.
Also, some screenshots in help window has english lyrics entered.
#13 - wat - 06/26/2008 - 09:15
any rule 34 of her?
#14 - fa - 10/13/2008 - 18:17
How to create for my standard clock someone know?
i wanna change my standart clock for taht that is possible?
#15 - Zyzaq - 12/23/2008 - 22:10
holasss no c q dicen pero konichiwaaa!!!
#16 - azura - 03/16/2009 - 03:52

You're a stupid ( ... ). Miku technically only speaks Japanese, which is probably what he meant. You CAN make Miku speak in English but it doesn't sound that good.
#17 - Anonymous - 03/21/2009 - 22:50
@14 You should find some here

@15 If you have Vista, you should be able to put it in sidebar somehow.
#18 - DannyJJK - 06/06/2009 - 00:33
@18 Any idea where to look for that information I have not found anything that tells me how to add it to mt side bar.
#19 - crackersensei - 08/12/2009 - 07:43
What song does she sing when you hit the music note? Anyone know/have a YouTube link?
#20 - catboyrandl - 12/14/2009 - 12:26
Song Of Hatsune? Miku
@#20 Song Of Hatsune? Miku
#21 - sousuke007 - 01/21/2010 - 19:15
Song Of Hatsune? Miku
@#20 Song Of Hatsune? Miku
#22 - sousuke007 - 01/21/2010 - 19:19
Song Of Hatsune?Miku:Miku no Uta
@20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYCFNQ5INGM
#23 - sousuke007 - 01/21/2010 - 19:20


**Caps was nesacery,
#24 - ipaqmaster - 07/23/2010 - 10:57
why is miku sleeping the whole day
#25 - Atem - 07/24/2010 - 13:38
@15/19 look up rainmeter. They have almost certainly have a skin for Hatsune Miku. If you want to do a little work for yourself get Samurize which allows you to make your own little skins and gadgets on your desktop. Or if you're going hardcore for appearances, go hax with linux.
#26 - roflcopter - 08/09/2010 - 02:05
Miku slackin' all her life
#27 - Nancigalion12 - 03/10/2023 - 06:00
Miku is Cute
#28 - MasterAzx - 11/20/2024 - 03:25
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