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posted: 18.4.2006
approved by: mRkukov
loop - loituma - orginal
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comments for loituma.swf
i love loituma
this will go down in History. it's not just a loop, it's a legend!
#1 - alhena - 06/06/2007 - 20:26
Why is this so popular?
#2 - karuto - 06/15/2007 - 17:00
rofl :-D
#3 - rofl - 06/18/2007 - 10:30
I love this so much.
#4 - Synner - 07/04/2007 - 22:59
You must listen it for at least 4 hours, then you will know why it is a legend :-D
#5 - Satik - 04/26/2008 - 16:25
#6 - DNB - 11/22/2008 - 13:32
ロエチã&f nof;¥ãƒž~!
「ロイ&a tilde;ƒãƒ¥ãƒžã€ は好き!!ã€& euro;でも, 織姫は....&ari ng;¤§ãã‚‰ã&bd quo;だ。
#7 - Itou - 12/19/2008 - 20:45
First day I listened to this for 6hours since then I'd day i'm up to about 15 hours total
#8 - geno - 01/11/2009 - 20:36
i listened this for one week at least 10 hours a day.
I'm loituma girl addicted xDD
#9 - SDFSAF - 02/17/2009 - 13:24
Jag skulle kunna lyssna pÃ¥ det här för evigt! Loituma är det bästa! mina vänner och jag dansa med purjolök nu ...
#10 - Ursula - 03/03/2009 - 17:40
I listen to this without end.
Well, whenever I am on the computer that is.
I need the MP3 for this so it can go anywhere with me, haha!
#11 - RedSyndicate - 03/14/2009 - 15:21
I found it some years ago b4 it boomed. Just then I sent it thru the Internet. My friens sent it too. It's ( ... )ing great.
#12 - ChriZZ - 07/07/2009 - 09:41
Itou. 100% right :p
#13 - Akinori - 07/29/2009 - 21:20
god damn it sticks in ur head!
#14 - Haz - 08/28/2009 - 17:31
the loituma girl is actually inoue orihime from bleach^^
it's in episode 2 of bleach..^^
#15 - bleachichiruki - 08/31/2009 - 04:12
No shit, Sherlock!?!?!? :-o
#16 - Bobo - 09/01/2009 - 20:01
Puta que pariu kkkkkkkkkkkkkk:-D
#17 - ***** - 09/30/2009 - 01:58
#18 - (((KAYES))) - 10/06/2009 - 15:45
I really like this flash animation.
It's really good and it is stuck on my head.
And also I love Orihime Inoue Of Bleach.
And also she's playable in MUGEN.
#19 - Inoue - 10/22/2009 - 15:19
( ... )ing amazing
This is the most addictive song in existence hands down, and one of the best quartet performances I've heard. Simply amazing.
#20 - Fedaykin - 11/02/2009 - 07:00
This is amazing how long can she sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:- []:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]:-[]
#21 - WHAT - 11/06/2009 - 13:05
I will win!
I'm curtain that I will beat here if I just wait long enough. Shes gonna stop eventually.
#22 - f30R - 11/07/2009 - 08:43
i've been listening to this for like an hour(47 minutes now)
background music ftw x3....
#23 - masta - 11/13/2009 - 02:28
YAY Ieva`s polka FTW
#24 - turhi - 12/07/2009 - 06:10
like a common whining finnish housewife made into a musical.
#25 - Nalle - 12/27/2009 - 04:09
this is the full original

its very great

she sings about the young girl leva and a nameless boy.
they met each other at a polka, but after the polka is the girl gone and the boy never saw her again.
for that reason is he going to the polka every year, because he think he can see her again.

thats why the polka is called leva's polka
#26 - Atem - 02/06/2010 - 11:02
music background problem for loituma girl
i was trying but have problem please help me xd:-P:-[]
#27 - flare reon - 02/09/2010 - 09:05
#28 - Ozzell - 03/06/2010 - 14:10
This is so wrong!
This makes people thing that finnish actually sound like that. x__x There is like 2 words of finnish in this song, the rest of it is just pure gibberish.

Oh and I hate this. x_o
#29 - Neji - 05/26/2010 - 18:11
isch will dat nur bis zum ende dursch hörn...
#30 - ISCH - 08/19/2010 - 15:54
it is so awsome because it fits her personality to a T oddly enough:-D
#31 - Snow1wolf - 11/20/2010 - 01:15
#32 - Francesca - 11/30/2010 - 23:27
OMG I LOVE IT! but all my family hate it a they shout me to quit "that stupid sound" but is so addcitive thaht i can stop of listening it more and more *W*
#33 - Aoi - 12/06/2010 - 02:48
OMG i have been Polk´d
#34 - Lospesitos - 12/07/2010 - 06:38
OMG Wie gail i-wie stresst es aber wenn man es weq tut will man es doch
wieder höören einfach schlimm
#35 - Schneqqe - 02/01/2011 - 21:50
Freakin LOL xD
#36 - Felipe - 02/08/2011 - 19:27
this is just awesome AWESOME
#37 - awesome - 03/11/2011 - 19:12
omg she´s so hot !!! xD

awesome song =)
#38 - radon66 - 03/12/2011 - 22:31
#39 - PUTA Q PARIIIUUUUUU - 05/27/2011 - 19:58
soy un fan de loituma por lo bien que esta hecho,por la cancion y por que sale orihime
#40 - anonimo - 07/02/2011 - 16:30
traducido de español a ingles:I'm a fan of loituma so well that this fact, the song and leaving Orihime
#41 - anonimo traducido de español a ingles - 07/02/2011 - 16:33
Win... That is all.
#42 - Hey Listen - 07/25/2011 - 23:32
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bass guy lyrics
#43 - Gyrofluff - 11/14/2011 - 08:48
#44 - AHAHAHA - 01/18/2012 - 17:37
#45 - tason - 06/18/2012 - 16:03
#46 - Ievan polkka - 08/26/2012 - 14:44
I have not read all the comments but this is in fact from the anime Bleach :)
#47 - This is from - 01/28/2013 - 19:42
so the swf era will end with that
#48 - Anon - 08/17/2019 - 06:02
long live loituma
#49 - nedm - 08/26/2019 - 05:34
Loituma 4 Ever
#50 - Nostalgic BTard - 08/26/2022 - 07:30
Miku s*ck, loituma is the best!!!
#51 - Lagumon - 10/01/2023 - 04:37
It is 2023 and this is still one of the remnants of the golden age of the internet.
#52 - Randomator - 10/19/2023 - 07:17
hello internet :-O
#53 - theo76410 - 12/04/2023 - 22:28
#54 - phreak - 01/09/2025 - 01:44
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