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Rating: 3.06 (86)
hits: 15300
size: 5.8 MB
posted: 4.6.2011
approved by: sinnfreichan
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comments for duck_life_3.swf
was fun until one training event went on eternal loop and had to quit
#1 - omblievous - 06/04/2011 - 18:46

Pretty much this. All Duck Life games are exactly like that, but they seem to have a large fanbase.
#2 - DerSenf - 06/04/2011 - 23:57
was sceptic about it but its an neat game
#3 - Nnyco - 06/05/2011 - 03:30
why is this so boring?!?
#4 - asdfcopter - 06/05/2011 - 11:02
You don't have to buy seeds at all, just grab them off the screen
#5 - Phines - 06/05/2011 - 12:26
1'd, firstly due to loading bar that doesn't actually represent loaded data, just there to force you to watch shitty ads, secondly due to the fact that the game itself is utter trash.
#6 - lawl - 06/05/2011 - 15:06
If you seriously play this game, here's a brief checklist for you:

1. Turn off SFX.
2. Load up your media player.
3. Load up You're The Best Around, from the Karate Kid Soundtrack.
4. Start playing.


Makes the process less grueling(Unless you dislike the song.).
#7 - catboyrandl - 06/06/2011 - 18:15
This game can sucks my ball and even swallow one of 'em cuze I wanted to unlock the White King Duck and there's a bug with the swim duck, I'm being trolled.

PROBLEM ? It was the last duck that I had to upgrade, by the way the game forgot that I win it with the strong duck, what's the result ? I made all the ( ... )ing game with the strong duck AGAIN !


You can grab some food for your duck ? WTF am I a thief or something ?
You can't do the high score with teh agilty duck in the running train ? WHY ?
You can't train your swim duck in teh run because everytime he touch a ball or a shitty thing he's being glitched, dat means you can't afford to finish the train with your duck, hopefully they made a correction who give you 100 points in run ! But that's totally useless because when the swim duck run too fastly he's being glitched again !
Sometimes the black king duck beat you because YOUR duck lost some stats for WHAT ( ... )ING REASON ? UNKNOWN !

"crap" tag needed !
#8 - Shot - 06/17/2011 - 04:06
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