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Rating: 3.62 (111)
hits: 12617
size: 4.1 MB
posted: 22.8.2011
approved by: Hideki
Loop - Anime - Kanon
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comments for all_of_uguu.swf
I liked the part when she said "Uguu"
#1 - DerSenf - 08/22/2011 - 16:38
english dub for uguu?
#2 - Hixan - 08/22/2011 - 16:38
#3 - Anon - 08/22/2011 - 17:10
Herp Durr.
#4 - Anon2 - 08/22/2011 - 18:18
I downloaded part of this series out of curiosity and watched the first episode earlier this morning. I spent the entire time thinking "They seriously made an anime series out of a Japanese dating game", followed by "Oh god the two love interests so far are his cousin and an underage girl". And of course the main character is suffering from a crippling case of AMNESIA.

...actually, didn't I see this before? Only it seems like it had more of people randomly exploding into gore and puppies getting kicked. I can't really remember because of my terminal case of AMNESIA.
#5 - Anonymous - 08/22/2011 - 19:27
Uguu desu de geso! D:
#6 - BigBoiChow - 08/22/2011 - 20:53
Yup, Japanese game trope #1, Amnesia.
#7 - Anon - 08/22/2011 - 22:37
I could watch this FOREVER
#8 - obvious troll - 08/22/2011 - 23:21
#2 Uguu Durr
#9 - DerfLlennod - 08/23/2011 - 05:14
Episode 2: class president, emotionless girl, shy girl, violent red head, underage girl is "same age" as protagonist.

Perfectly generic.
#10 - Anonymous - 08/23/2011 - 10:54
Start of episode 3: temperamental red head has AMNESIA. FFS.
#11 - Anonymous - 08/23/2011 - 11:45
I'm not sure if I watched that anime... because of my terminal case of amnesia!
#12 - BurndOwn - 08/23/2011 - 17:37
Aargh! My brain! Too.. much.. UGUU!
#13 - HamiltonJones - 09/12/2011 - 04:40
Did anyone else catch the part where she said "Uguu"?
#14 - guyinachair - 10/11/2011 - 08:03
Wow one of those was the crying sounds was used in a left 4 dead witch vid I saw XD exactly the same.
#15 - Dragonwaz - 05/11/2012 - 10:51
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