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Rating: 3.35 (110)
hits: 9143
size: 8.7 MB
posted: 29.8.2009
approved by: mRkukov
Music video - Humor
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this needs a wtf tag
#1 - asdf - 08/29/2009 - 17:51
No, it needs a NFSW tag!
#2 - Gomati - 08/29/2009 - 19:17
Not For Safe Work?
#3 - Bob - 08/30/2009 - 09:39
nonsense, totaly nonsense and pink -.-
#4 - DerDark - 08/30/2009 - 15:38
Needs a WTF tag. Srsly.
#5 - LordJebe - 08/30/2009 - 20:30
Why they stole this from kollaps?
#6 - anonymous999 - 08/30/2009 - 21:07
and I was like: D:
#7 - se7en - 08/31/2009 - 01:01
It's not WTF at all -- it's very straightforward.

Some mobsters are reenacting West Side Story, when they notice that Emo Birdman is witness to their queer theater. They are about to murder Emo Birdman so he can't talk, but Emo Birdman deploys his crotch antenna and activates his only defense -- the libido enhancement field. The mobsters are overcome by lust and utilize the nearest available hole: the barrel of their pistols.

A caricature of the animator gives a knowing wink to let you know that he knows how ghey this is.

Meanwhile, the Martians are jealously observing the mobsters. Even though the aliens are hung like horses, they can't get it up, so they invade and exterminate the mobsters in rage. The mobsters try to fight back, but in their panic forget that they have two guns each and try to use the ones they gummed up. The Martians use their most powerful bombs to try to vaporize Emo Birdman, so that nobody will be compelled to pleasure themselves again.

The only problem is that the only way to kill an emo is to convince it to kill itself. The animator distracts the aliens while Emo Birdman recovers and deploys the libido enhancement field once again. As the mobsters before them, the aliens are overcome with the compulsion to molest their rayguns.

The animator gives another wink to acknowledge that he is screwed in the head.

See? Not WTF at all.
#8 - Anonymous - 08/31/2009 - 01:25
And it's more of a magenta.
#9 - Anonymous - 08/31/2009 - 01:33
i persunally find KolBelov sick. Hes movies make me wana vomit but technically they are almost brilliant. Colors, movements, characters makes you wana see them again.
#10 - anon - 08/31/2009 - 03:09
#11 - anon - 08/31/2009 - 03:11
So russian mobs have so small ( ... )s that they can fit in a pistols barrel...
#12 - anon - 08/31/2009 - 11:36

Did you just make that up yourself, or did you find that information lying around somewhere. It made total sense.. but how could you pick up that much by just viewing this, is to me, Incredible.
#13 - Krieg - 09/08/2009 - 12:28
#13 - I completely made it up. It does seem the gist of what the animation is conveying, but I fabricated most of the details: who the winking man is, why the aliens attack, why everyone wants to kill the bird, what's going on when the guy is talking through the loudspeaker.
#14 - Anonymous - 09/14/2009 - 16:32
* seem to be the gist of *
#15 - Anonymous - 09/14/2009 - 16:33
I want the song!
#16 - ReisenInaba - 11/04/2010 - 22:33
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