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Rating: 4.19 (180)
hits: 17963
size: 123 KB
posted: 15.4.2014
approved by: Damankee
Loop - Touhou
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comments for Orin_Jam.swf
guitar riff from the dire straits mtv song. In case anyone was wondern'
#1 - Fhqwgads3 - 04/16/2014 - 04:39
The song's name is "Money for Nothing." It features the best guitar solo ever.
#2 - anon - 04/16/2014 - 06:10
This flash has it all. Perfect looping, filesize optimization and Touhou.
Also, Orin animation comes from Subterranean level background in Touhou 13.5 - Hopeless Masquerade.
#3 - Ludolph - 04/16/2014 - 12:12
This particular sound clip is taken from a mashup "DeepDish vs DireStraights - Flashing for Money".
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVJzCO-g7K4 (the good stuff starts around 1:20)
#4 - LordJebe - 04/16/2014 - 15:18
Have to disagree with you, #3. No backdrop, the sprite's dark outlines against the light background make it look very jagged, there are free-floating pixels, and the music loop gets headache-inducingly bad after a minute.
#5 - Anonymous - 04/16/2014 - 23:03
For those of you who like the song.. heres a even better version :
1200 Micrograms - Acid for Nothing
#6 - d3ltat - 04/17/2014 - 17:21
#5 The sprite in the game is in background and quite small, so that explains jagged, dark outline. Browser resize or downloading and using Flashplayer mends that. Also, the sprite seems to be taken directly from the game file, so floating pixels are an error of the game designers rather than the flash author. And the music... Well, I kept it on for at least 3 hours and it gets just better over time :3
#7 - Ludolph - 04/24/2014 - 01:42
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