13764 flashes &


Rating: 3.33 (134)
hits: 9144
size: 28.6 MB
posted: 17.6.2010
approved by: sinnfreichan
Music video - Touhou
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What on earth did they do to this flash to make it so huge? Creator must have used some special techniques to have this bad video quality and still have the file size this big.
#1 - Player - 06/17/2010 - 16:37
This is what touhou is all about!
#2 - Anonymous - 06/17/2010 - 17:09
faggot j-pop garbage?

thats not what its about at all you fag
#3 - Anonymous - 06/17/2010 - 17:25
What #3 said . . .
#4 - Anonymous - 06/17/2010 - 22:03
Quality could be better, but this is very nicely drawn and the creator seems to have given some thought to the choreography.
I also liked the song (and failed to find any faggotry in it, as #3 claims...)
#5 - Nekonymous - 06/17/2010 - 22:08
the basis of the song does not seem to Touch Me - Samantha Fox?
#6 - Berto90 - 06/17/2010 - 22:48
The source was probally just bad, or strecthing the flash video fullscreen makes it bad.
#7 - Jaska - 06/18/2010 - 00:19
The video is very well done but if you think that this is what Touhou is all about (#2) then you need to shut up and play the games . . .
#8 - Anonymous - 06/18/2010 - 02:42
wow prob the best iv seen not like the rest of the ones on here very good at least he/she put some though on it :)
#9 - ummmm - 06/18/2010 - 08:39
herpa de derpa, touhou is all about j-pop and kawaii moe anime desu ^__^
seriously, this is why people hate touhou.
also this flash is just like every other one that uses those 3d touhou models (plus the animation is rather terrible anyways...)
#10 - Anonymous - 06/18/2010 - 09:45
So, music source?
#11 - meh - 06/18/2010 - 14:24
oh no, the file is big QQ...
I didnt even notice until I read that comment
#12 - BurndOwn - 06/18/2010 - 18:51
Herpa de derpa, I didnt know game music is j-pop, and that shoot em up games are anime. Yous a horrible troll.

And, if you seriously judge something by looking at the stuff the fans make, you really need to drain that piss out of your head.

And thirdly, these animations are made with MMD, MikuMikuDance. In case you peeps didnt know.
#13 - LordJebe - 06/19/2010 - 04:06
Song is very 80's.
#14 - passer_by - 06/19/2010 - 13:21
Still no source on the song?
#15 - Anonymous - 06/20/2010 - 00:00
jebe i know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer so let me break this down for you

1. he was being sarcastic, just in case the whole "kawaii moe desu" shit didnt make it obvious enough
2. "this is why people hate touhou" = people are (unjustly) put off by this brand of tangentially related fanwank, hth

settle down you internet crusader you, he's on your side on this
#16 - Anonymous - 06/20/2010 - 12:21
I know, but at 5 am you arent at your brightest, and I went ahead there and forgot the two basic things; "Dont feed the troll" and "The harder you try, the harder you fail".
Anyways, disregards, I mongle cocks.
#17 - LordJebe - 06/28/2010 - 04:39

#18 - kaname - 07/14/2010 - 12:34
WINK - Samishii Nettaigyo.mp3
#19 - Anonymous - 07/29/2010 - 13:24
Its not that bad of a song actually.
#20 - Alpha232 - 01/09/2011 - 20:03
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