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auhh...: WTF... Pubic hair... (November 14, 2009, 6:55 pm)

Anonymouß: For those who can't resize and those too lazy to do it: Video: Gnomes (1980) Audio: Finntroll - Outro Also, i didn't manage to find the right song even with its name... If someone does... (November 14, 2009, 7:41 pm)

mRkukov: Tomhet Och Tystnad Härska (Outro)ärska+(Outro) (November 14, 2009, 7:56 pm)

DeAimon: #2, i heard about resizing your browser and finding music source like that. How is it done? (November 14, 2009, 8:16 pm)

mRkukov: #4 Just like any other window. Source is down there after the normal "bottom". And it's working here only because I have write a script to make it work. (November 14, 2009, 8:49 pm)

Anonymouß: #3 Thanks I checked this song already but I guess I was too much in a hurry and missed it the first time i listened. #5 Your script isn't working for me. That's why I usually download the files and posted the names for those who can't resize. I use firefox btw. #4 Another way to resize a flash file is to download and open it with a standalone version of Flash Player. You can get it there (any FlashPlayer.exe on this file): 44 Mb Or there (It's the same one without all the other files you won't need): 1,85 Mb (November 14, 2009, 9:35 pm)

mRkukov: #6 Please be more specific about your browser config. Resizing works for me in FF with iframes or javascript disabled and even when using noscript. Works also fine in Opera and even with IE. (November 14, 2009, 10:10 pm)

Anonymouß: I don't know what's relevant or what i should look for. I use FF 3.5.5 (.net clr 3.5.30729) with default settings and some add-ons such as IE Tab and User Agent Switcher, on vista home premium sp2. The error console gets: document.getElementById("trolls.swf") is null. urchinTracker is not defined. However it seems to be set on the page but not working. [document.getElementById("trolls.swf").style.height=parseInt(height- document.getElementById("trolls.swf").offsetTop-60)+"px"; document.getElementById("trolls.swf").style.width=parseInt(width- document.getElementById("trolls.swf").offsetLeft-sivupaneelinpaksuus)+"px"; } window.onresize=resize_iframe; ] The width doesn't reduce lesser than 40% of the screen size, however the height does. I only get the sound with "IE tab", and it works with IE8 (it was the first time i used it :P) Tell me if you want more details or if those aren't relevant. (November 15, 2009, 1:18 am)

dudemang: So, this is an accurate representation of blaa? (November 15, 2009, 7:31 am)

mRkukov: #8 Try now. (November 15, 2009, 10:17 am)

Anonymous: except for the beard i guess (November 15, 2009, 12:40 pm)

madjack: google chrome does it too. at least on my system anyways (vista 64bit with all latest updates) (November 15, 2009, 2:03 pm)

: Worked fine for me on FF 3.5 on ubuntu. On linux, most things just work. The ones that don't, well no ordinary user is going to get them to 2 work. (November 15, 2009, 6:53 pm)

Anonymouß: #8 It didn't work but it works now. There was no problem with the code to begin with, actually. ^^; I tried many things too only to see it working in safe mode (I found out Ctrl Scroll zoom could help also). Long story short, the toolbar was one item too much wide, preventing the window to be resized efficiently. >.< Problem Solved. Thank you very much. ^^ #13 True, although this shows the problem can be ridiculous and stupid sometimes and that simplicity can solve things too. (November 16, 2009, 3:19 am)

DeAimon: mRkukov and Anonymouß. Is it a mysterious case that it's not working on my end? Or am I doing something wrong? What am I supposed to see? Am I supposed to resize my browser(or FlashPlayer) so i can see something at the bottom bar on my browser? What am I supposed to see? Is this the same bar that shows the source when you hover on, let's say, a hyperlink? Or am I being extremely dense here? Tyvm for your effort so far. (November 18, 2009, 9:03 pm)

mRkukov: #15 (November 19, 2009, 12:04 am)

DeAimon: mRkukov, mindblowing. All I get, is a white band where the title should be. Ty for your effort though. (November 20, 2009, 2:41 am)

paradroid: pubic hair. that was my first thought too (November 24, 2009, 4:30 am)

Necrofilias: I love this <3 (June 21, 2012, 3:55 pm)



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