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Anoon: If it wasn't a dude holding the laptop up, I'd hit that. (October 7, 2009, 5:13 pm) Anon: FFFFFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (October 7, 2009, 5:23 pm) ab: Well shaved legs, dear kind sir. (October 7, 2009, 6:18 pm) -: Rename it K-on-sad.swf and it's alot more accurate. (October 7, 2009, 6:49 pm) Bobo: Science what have you done!?!?!? (October 7, 2009, 7:31 pm) Yabadable: It's a dude, right? (October 7, 2009, 11:32 pm) â™ : I hate this music because it's so overused and doesen't fit at all (October 8, 2009, 8:11 am) Lithen: The whole laptop thing is well done! Change of music and replace the guy with a girl and it would be perfect! (October 8, 2009, 11:13 am) Stalkking: It could be a flatchested girl with manly hands :-o Any sources on this? (October 8, 2009, 12:40 pm) Tioni: Mind blown. (October 8, 2009, 9:49 pm) ãƒã‚«: nice skirt, gaylord awesome video though (October 9, 2009, 6:28 am) thetripfaggot: Ew. Gay. (October 10, 2009, 1:34 pm) asdfasd: Dressing up as a girl and posting your pictures to the net is not gay -- it's OK. (October 11, 2009, 4:30 pm) ASDF: #13 No. It's gay alright. Now shut up. (October 11, 2009, 4:50 pm) Anonymoose: Man-hands kinda screw up the effect, but pretty good regardless. (October 11, 2009, 8:08 pm) habla: #6 meh, you know you'd hit it either way. And this beats the heck out of kigurumis in my books. (October 12, 2009, 4:36 am) asd3335665676767: Man-hands..... theyr ugly this is shit.:-);-) (October 24, 2009, 8:45 pm) nimimerkillä: that's a man baby! (November 27, 2009, 10:43 pm) kur: uh, what was the name of the song, i know it. must be tired but cant place it anywhere atm :P (December 17, 2009, 2:05 am) owowo: It's a trap! A well laid i should say! (June 7, 2010, 12:48 pm) Anon: wtf? a dude? :-O (July 4, 2010, 3:16 pm) Talata: EPIC YUI TRAP IS EPIC 5 stars and saved to archive, your flash will now live on forever. (October 22, 2010, 7:07 pm) Nawg: Dude ... was that a dude? (December 5, 2010, 7:30 pm) lollero: pretty fun, except for the part that his/her hand look too old XD (January 16, 2011, 7:59 am) renton7eureka7: song: Nightwish - Ghost Love Score. (May 21, 2011, 8:26 pm) brawl: lol im sure thats a female xD no freaking way a male has those legs :p (June 22, 2011, 5:51 pm) wontletmepostwithoutaname: #26 you're gay. in more than one way. (May 18, 2012, 1:57 am) Colt: Just another normal day on the internet, yeah we know it's a trap. (June 12, 2012, 11:09 am) Readit: I came even doe it is probably a guy. (August 14, 2024, 12:41 am)
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