13764 flashes &


Rating: 3.98 (153)
hits: 9218
size: 1.9 MB
posted: 27.8.2009
approved by: mRkukov
New virtual server and system... fixing stuff

BIOS update to server - this resolves many problems. :)

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Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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comments for intelmac.swf
mac was mac when it had risc. now it's just an overpriced, underpowered pc. lol'ed at the end though.
#1 - woo! - 08/27/2009 - 17:58
only public-gays, farmers and snotnosed-richy-rich-kids use macs.. oh, and old people... very, old people.
#2 - anon - 08/27/2009 - 22:23
Should've watched the whole thing before rating it...
Gave a 1/5 because it said something even related to MAC being better than Intel...
#3 - Calm Images - 08/28/2009 - 00:49
#3: You are an idiot. In several ways.
#4 - ... - 08/28/2009 - 18:19
Piano sample was used by Moby in God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters, don't know the original source.
#5 - Tioni - 08/28/2009 - 20:24
I lol'd
Haha. ( ... )en funny.

Macs are made of pure WIN
#6 - Joni - 08/28/2009 - 21:51
the guy sounds like kiefer sutherland :p
#7 - durr - 08/29/2009 - 10:28
That's because it is.
#8 - Anon - 08/30/2009 - 00:37
i like water
#9 - f - 08/30/2009 - 11:25
PCs > Macs, PCs might get viruses but at least you can recover from those.
Have fun with your kernel panics!
#10 - Anon - 09/08/2009 - 23:37
6# No, not at all; Macs are made of over priced computer-hardware/software, cause people today am more interested in design and eye candy then performance.

And #10, OS X and System does indeed have viruses, but since the majority of the people doesn't use this piece of crap, no one is interested in pulling of scams, but I have seen ones :3
#11 - Desu - 04/25/2010 - 00:10
I eat sandwich
#12 - bdthr - 09/07/2010 - 22:19
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