diamonds of egypt     game   Comments4   </3
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Anonymous Coward: "Look at how awesome I am because I'm playing yet another Bejeweled clone!" SAID NO ONE EVER. (December 20, 2013, 12:59 am)

LordJebe: #1 I bet you haven't played this clone yet! (December 20, 2013, 1:21 pm)

...: Wow, this was a special kind of bad. I went into it thinking that it would be a generic bejeweled clone, only to, after two levels, finding out that you can in fact move the jewels all around the board. But not every time does it accept them, no, that would just be silly, no, instead of accepting all of them, it only does it in some cases. In most cases I was able to move the jewels diagonally, but not everytime mind you, I have no idea what kind of abritrary rules dictates what it accepts, and what it doesn't. Then to top it all of, i found out, after playing for about five minutes, that, after three levels it just cuts you of, it just suddenly flashes to a screen showing "Game Over", one would think that I would have run out of time, but that was not the case, that is apparently just as far as the game goes. 10/10 - IGN (December 20, 2013, 6:11 pm)

Anonymous: #3 A curious game. The only winning move is not to play. (December 23, 2013, 4:55 pm)



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