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Rating: 1.43 (94)
hits: 6681
size: 7.0 MB
posted: 19.12.2009
approved by: mRkukov
Humor - furry
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comments for WADTDpart1.swf
Furries, idiotic prophetic storylines and Linkin Park. My least favourite video on this entire website has now been uploaded.
#1 - Anonymous - 12/19/2009 - 17:01
I'm guessing you mean the song at the main menu? That's System of a Down - Chop Suey. If you by any chance meant another song in this flash I didn't hear it since there's no way in hell I'm watching the entire thing...
#2 - Jolly - 12/19/2009 - 17:42
yay furry
#3 - Hornster - 12/19/2009 - 19:02
#2 Well, I actually watched a bit into the second scene, and yes, while the main character and his friend are busy being faggots, Linkin Park's Faint is playing in the background. I sort of blanked out after that. I actually like the song, but I think using Linkin Park in these types of movies is a surefire indicator of a severe lack of creativity . . .
#4 - Anonymous - 12/19/2009 - 23:47
No furry female bits, such waste.
#5 - M4nk - 12/20/2009 - 04:35
Insta-1'd because of furry.
#6 - LordJebe - 12/20/2009 - 19:45
well, the author tried... only failed to put them all furry/(sonic-like?) and dbz shit
#7 - anon - 12/23/2009 - 01:55
Sonic's furry too and you don't blame him.

Captcha: COUC.
More like Casting Crouch :3
#8 - Lol2Qwerty - 10/20/2011 - 20:16
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