13764 flashes &


Rating: 2.62 (55)
hits: 4049
size: 3.2 MB
posted: 5.10.2013
approved by: sinnfreichan
Humor - wtf - wait for it
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All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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Dagobah Flash Gallery

Woah! :-o That's some crazy shit i tell ya. Still has a decent scaryness. Also needs a "wait for it" tag.
#1 - Domester - 10/05/2013 - 18:52
Was expecting parody rhymes, received actual rhymes with out-of-context animation included.
#2 - dinghy - 10/06/2013 - 00:21
I had to get stitches after cutting myself on the edginess of this flash.

Seriously though, a lot of nursery rhymes and fairy tales are already crazy dark without amateur-hour animation changing them. "Jack and Jill went up the hill...Jack FELL DOWN AND BROKE HIS CROWN". "Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top...WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS, THE BABY WILL FALL". In the earliest versions of Little Red Riding Hood, Red is tricked into eating her grandmother's flesh and blood, then the wolf asks her to remove her clothing and join him in bed, which she does. That's a lot more disturbing than a poorly-drawn spider getting stomped on.
#3 - Anonymous - 10/06/2013 - 01:13
Don't forget the "we all fall down" which is inspired by the black plague.
Yeah, with all great choices the creator had, I'm simply disappointed.
#4 - ... - 10/06/2013 - 03:10
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