13764 flashes &


Rating: 2.29 (111)
hits: 11048
size: 1.6 MB
posted: 10.4.2009
approved by: mRkukov
Music video - epilepsy
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Ooh, I remember this one. Last time I saw it was on a CRT, and I haven't touched one of those in ages.
#1 - - - 04/10/2009 - 18:07
Bad parody/remake of "num1000 512kb cache mix" (dagobah.biz/flash/num1000remix-hi.swf).
#2 - Anonymous - 04/10/2009 - 19:45
At first I figured the low rating was due to all the furries. Then I realized that it really was that bad. o.O
#3 - adf - 04/11/2009 - 01:35
I still think ME-tan have the best video for this song...
random to see Tao Pai Pai on the wall though...
#4 - Retro - 04/11/2009 - 05:25
I mean, c'mon, the music kind of stops when a short clip changes to other. You can't seriously be that bad.

It actually is. ( ... ).
#5 - dfhdfggfh - 04/12/2009 - 22:23
The video isn't great, but that song is kickin'.
I want it
#6 - a person - 04/13/2009 - 08:03
God, what the ( ... ) is this shit?

The guy who made this needs to go practice for a few years before he's allowed to ever again attempt to do some sort of 512kb cover/parody/tribute.

#6 Song is "party4u (holy nite mix)" by "cranky"

#7 - halcy - 04/13/2009 - 22:39
Guys this flash is well over 6 years old, Really. I remember reading this guys comics from Middle School. You can't really bash something so old.

Still, this is a blast from the past. I used to like this guy... Havn't read his comic in forever.
#8 - Hikikomori - 04/20/2009 - 05:08
damn horrible audio looping O.O

#9 - Heian - 06/16/2009 - 11:36
WTF? this guy was tinking he was good? but pls STFU and GTFO!
#10 - Marduk - 07/28/2012 - 21:13
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