13764 flashes &


Rating: 3.83 (145)
hits: 10726
size: 224 KB
posted: 19.6.2010
approved by: sinnfreichan
Humor - FYI - from rejected - TF2
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All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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12345 flashes

Dagobah Flash Gallery

comments for I_am_a_SPY.swf
Ok, so now we are uploading random TF2 movies ripped off YouTube to dago? Sheeeshh...
#1 - Me( ... ) - 06/19/2010 - 19:36
Also how funny that curse block works in the name field too :D
#2 - Med1ck - 06/19/2010 - 19:37
#1 that's why I disapproved it in the first way.
But then the users voted this flash up, so we put it up anyway - with the "from disapproved" warning tag.

I didn't want this flash here.
#3 - sinnfreichan - 06/19/2010 - 20:18
At #3
I laughed at this movie when I saw it for the first time on YT. But Dago is becoming backup stash of YT movies, which I think is stupid...

Anyway, thanks.
#4 - Med1ck - 06/20/2010 - 12:03
The cleansing must be made!
#5 - Damankee - 06/20/2010 - 14:21
And then the second doctrinal war will broke out!

Jokes aside, I approve your idea my dear moderator.
#6 - Med1ck - 06/21/2010 - 00:59
Best Kill EVER!

i was hi jacked and when i got my steam account back i was Source-VaC-Banned.

i was at the point where my character had a shitload of power ups
and now,... they are all gone =
#7 - ipaqmaster - 06/24/2010 - 09:23
awesome... just awesome... (FYI I'M A SPY) *distracted medic* SPAH STABBERS DA MEDEEK!
#8 - cody - 11/08/2010 - 14:33
Dagobah is full of shit anyway, with you guys crawling around like hobos.
#9 - ThoOnlyOneWhoMatters - 05/19/2011 - 16:14
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