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Rating: 3.62 (77)
hits: 6534
size: 5.2 MB
posted: 3.1.2011
approved by: Carabia
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comments for HookUpNES.swf
Only idiots blow their nes cartiges. It makes them moist and it oxidises cartiges copper wich makes them work slower and eventually stop working
#1 - dasgsh'opäk4ekäe - 01/04/2011 - 01:39
only idiots post tech faqs about a twenty something year old game system.
inb4 respond to troll
#2 - eva - 01/04/2011 - 18:05
I love the truth to how abysmally hard it is to play an NES.

Also, blowing on the carts actually works, so ( ... ) you.

So does screaming at the NES and kicking it across the room.

Although that will only make it hate you that much more the next time you try to play Contra.

and that ( ... )ing AC adaptor.

God, world 8 in SMB3 5th level.

Bzzt *clunk*

I destroyed the world that day.

with raeg.
#3 - Anonymous - 01/06/2011 - 00:08
Daym, that´s a lot of work to just connect the NES to your TV.

Here in Euroland, we just plugged the damn thing straight into that antenna hole. No idea what it´s actually called.
#4 - dee - 01/06/2011 - 15:59
Yeah it makes them work for little while #3.. but eventually they stop working. You should never let copper parts get any moisture on copper parts on NES... Old game consoles don't like corroded parts.

#5 - fassggagagdsdsggdsgdsdgsgdsgdsgdsgds - 01/15/2011 - 14:40
daaaaaamn....... XD
#6 - Ukomi - 10/11/2011 - 00:50
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