13764 flashes &


Rating: 2.83 (41)
hits: 2778
size: 7.6 MB
posted: 5.3.2015
approved by: sinnfreichan
Music video - mspaint
New virtual server and system... fixing stuff

BIOS update to server - this resolves many problems. :)

Added thumbnails to the comment page.

Welcome to NEW SERVER! If something is broken, please tell us. :)

11.3 - 24.3.2016
Big problems with 1) networking 2) server provider 3) server provider

All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

Once a day frontpage will check your flash version and pop-up if you have an old version active.

Enabled SSL (TLS) encryption to login/register pages. If those are not working for you, you can just remove 's' from the url.

12345 flashes

Dagobah Flash Gallery

October 4, 2012
Thanks for the $2,500,000 donation guys! Homestuck will be finished in 2013, and the game will be released some time in 2014.

October 16, 2013
This is it guys, the end of the story! The end is so epic and long, I'm going to stop updating for a few months so I can release all of them at the same time, as a cohesive whole.

September 27, 2014
Oh hi guys, long time no update. The last year has been really rough for me, being a millionaire and all. It has been almost a full calender year but I'm not done yet. Maybe I'll start posting stuff again in a few days.

October 16, 2014
Here's a few panels. Gotta pace things after all. I'll post a few every couple days while I finish things up.

January 19, 2015
Okay, that's all for now. The next chapter of the story is done but I'm going to make you wait three months before I show it to you, so I can finish up other stuff.

March 13, 2015
Here's six panels. Hey, you know what would be awesome? A live action Homestuck motion picture! Here's the Kickstarter page, we're hoping to raise at least $250,000,000. The comic will be done in 2016, the game in 2017 and the movie will be released by 2018.
#1 - Andrew Hussie - 03/06/2015 - 05:17
March 14, 2015
Oh crap, it's only March. I wasn't supposed to post that until April. Oh well, I'll just hang off on posting the conclusion to the cliffhanger until June. Feel free to keep donating to the movie Kickstarter while you wait.
#2 - Andrew Hussie - 03/06/2015 - 05:22
Dang man, how do you manage to update so often?
#3 - Fred Gallagher - 03/06/2015 - 05:31
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