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Rating: 4.06 (145)
hits: 12172
size: 6.2 MB
posted: 26.4.2009
approved by: mRkukov
Music video - Final Fantasy 4
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somehow catchy
#1 - Hideki - 04/26/2009 - 19:04
just alotin tän pelin pelaamisen
#2 - lolman - 04/26/2009 - 19:58
It's a Hyadain remix for all those wondering.
#3 - Lurker - 04/26/2009 - 20:59
"Arashi wo yobu onna, hobo zenra"
#4 - - 04/26/2009 - 21:44
It took like years for it to come here.
#5 - Ecchi-BANZAII!!! - 04/26/2009 - 23:30
Ah! It's the same artists that made the super mario world western video ^^
#6 - Stalkking - 04/27/2009 - 08:02
Smelling rotten, smelling rotten, poison gas, spreading a putrid stench
Zombie, zombie, underlings are all falling apart
Falling off the bridge, back attack, special scenes, none in particular

Next, Cagnazzo!
Tsunami, tsunami, Cagnazzo the Tsunami, turtle man
Get jealous of my blue body, Commander Dessler
My indecent head, sparkling, today it's wet with water too
Ah, it's wet, that it is

We are the Four Lords of the Elements, Earth, Water, rise up
I'm called Scarmiglione of Earth, but I thought I was Scarmiglione of Poison?

Tornado, tornado, the woman that calls storms, totally naked
Lovin' girls, lovin' girls, interest in guys is a NO NO
Cindy, Mindy, Sandy, what kind of girls am I up against today?

Next, Rubicante!
Ah, Rubicante, Rubicante, Rubicante the Flame, bad with water
Gentleman, gentleman, matches are at best dignified and honorable
My bare leg, charming, fluttering, and tapping with the rhythm
Shall I show you what's in my mantle...?

We are the Four Lords of the Elements, Wind, Fire, rise up
Among the Four Lords, I think I'm the sexiest...
Yeah, probably...

I, Scarmiglione of Earth have come from death, taste my dreadful power and die!
To defeat someone such as I
But I'm a lonely being
Oh ho ho ho!
To inflict a wound on Golbez-sama...
We underestimated you!
Now, shall I heal you?
Come at us with all your strength!

Me? Fine then!
Golby, Golby, Cecil's real brother, Lunarian
Brainwashed, confined、like Kim (----)
All for the sake of Zemus-sama's world
As long as Golbez-sama wills it
Go forth! My all powerful Four Lords of the Elements!

Exellent lyrics ^^ Now I really need to play this game

Btw Snes or PSX?
#7 - lolman - 04/27/2009 - 08:33
More like ds.
#8 - anonymous - 04/27/2009 - 08:43

Haha :D Well only trouble is that i dont have DS and never gonna get one x)
#9 - lolman - 04/27/2009 - 09:29
Try This Ds emulator. Might work if ur lucky. Atleast Mario & luigi: partners in time worked for me.
#10 - meh - 04/27/2009 - 18:31
Works just fine with no$gba emulator
#11 - anonymous - 04/27/2009 - 20:15
#11 main diffenece between ds and gba is that DS have 3d graphic on ffiv
#12 - lolman - 04/27/2009 - 23:21
#11 sry i misunderstood... ill try that
#13 - lolman - 04/27/2009 - 23:23
#11 how did u manage to get it work? When i try it lags like shit... so badly that its unplayable
#14 - lolman - 04/28/2009 - 00:43
on no$gba, the text from menus and such stay after closing them and they pile up making them quite unreadable... and FF 4 imo wasn't that great of an game...

Oh and almost forgot... YOU SPOONY BARD!
#15 - Geggonen - 04/28/2009 - 16:00
If you want good FF games go with FF6 & FF9.
#16 - meh - 04/28/2009 - 22:55
#16 I already played both them. Cleared 9 and almost 6... I wanna now play older ones like 3,4 and 5
#17 - lolman - 04/29/2009 - 00:10
I thought this was quite catchy, until I realized the stereo is mirrored. People singing on the right comes out the left speaker, and people singing on the left comes out the right. Now I can't enjoy it because my mind keeps catching that the sound is coming from the wrong place.
#18 - Anonymous - 04/29/2009 - 14:44

now I can't either...
#19 - Hideki - 04/29/2009 - 21:13
phuck you #18 >-(
#20 - FFFFFFFFUUUUU - 05/02/2009 - 02:43

Here's an idea, switch your speakers around
#21 - Quadmore - 05/05/2009 - 04:22
Yeah am gonna listen this shitty song 24/7
#22 - durrrrrr - 05/08/2009 - 16:23
no paljastuihan viimein noidenkin todellinen luonne, Scarmiglione haisee pahalta(Vau, en olisi arvannut kävelevästä raadosta), Cagnazzo on selkeästi ylimielinen, Barbariccia/Valvalis on lesbo ja Rubicante on itseään paljasteleva pervo.
#23 - anonyymi - 06/16/2009 - 09:44
Does anyone have a link to download this song?
Sauce plz!
#24 - Nijero - 10/31/2009 - 06:09

Here works!
#25 - Ryu_Vampiress - 11/03/2009 - 07:02
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