13764 flashes &


Rating: 3.54 (133)
hits: 14695
size: 5.8 MB
posted: 29.12.2007
approved by: mRkukov
loop - anime - check comments
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comments for God_Hand.swf
1) Midori no Hibi
2) Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann ?
3) Vandread
4) Fullmetal Alchemist: Conquorer of Shambala
5) AIR
6) Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
#1 - dingbatp4 - 12/29/2007 - 20:25
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann confirmed :-)
#2 - Player - 12/30/2007 - 00:59
Can confirm everyone except for 2 and 3.

Though the "Stand Alone Complex" and "Conquerer of Shambala" parts are unnecessary.
#3 - Zalsa - 12/30/2007 - 05:03
Well it's actually number 1, but i'll say it's Gurren Lagann, cause it rocks.
#4 - dfds - 12/30/2007 - 11:20
Over 5 and a half megs for a 16 second loop.

In case of doubt, smash glass. With head.
#5 - Cube - 12/30/2007 - 23:30
#5 cube
yeah, it's a bit much
fun tho
#6 - Ithos - 12/31/2007 - 13:51
source of the song please !!
#7 - anonymoun - 01/01/2008 - 19:25
#8 - nendie - 01/07/2008 - 22:11
Its because of all the music. not the loop

Also, the source is godhand from the game God hand..... Lol..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAga2AjfZlg Go here for sauce
#9 - onizukaa - 03/09/2008 - 11:05
@Zalsa No, the Stand Alone Complex and Conqueror of Shambala are necessary - Ghost in the Shell is movie, Full Metal Alchemist is series.
#10 - anonymous - 06/19/2011 - 09:43
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