13764 flashes &


Rating: 2.12 (66)
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posted: 16.3.2012
approved by: sinnfreichan
New virtual server and system... fixing stuff

BIOS update to server - this resolves many problems. :)

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All 2015 calendar flashes

Dagobah advent calendar 2015 + christmas theme. Sorry for the delay :)

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12345 flashes

Dagobah Flash Gallery

Was I supposed to laugh at one point?
#1 - asdfcopter - 03/17/2012 - 09:55
I was kinda waiting for a punchline aswell. Disappointing.
#2 - :( - 03/17/2012 - 11:28
Weak! A system that might or might not work can hardly be compared to an ideal that can not be proven ..
#3 - Mike LItoris - 03/17/2012 - 11:40
Communism is an extreme and doesn't work very well at all. Capitalism feeds on the weak and boosts the greedy. That's why I'm happy to live with Market Economy.

And I'm also waiting for the punch line...
#4 - Miskur - 03/18/2012 - 00:45
i'd 5 it if it was the NEET vs the Hikikomori vs the Otaku
#5 - flying ( ... ) - 03/18/2012 - 23:21
Yes. Because evolution and market economy are totally comparable. You had to be an absolute idiot cheer for this video. It oversimplifies leftist politics and the overall question of our economic system. It also falsely promotes capitalism as better alternative by drawing comparison into something that is whole different thing, religion. When discussing what would be the best economic system there is no room for religion or belief. Capitalism oppresses the proletariat for easy profits for the few. Thats the fact and fighting against it has nothing to do with religion or beliefs. It's fighting against the system that draws from the massess for gains of the few.

I, too, was waiting for somekind of punchline. I guess capitalistic EA will sell it as DLC in the unforeseen future.
#6 - Ståhlberg - 01/12/2018 - 16:01
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