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Rating: 4.13 (85)
hits: 3653
size: 7.7 MB
posted: 2.2.2016
approved by: Damankee
Music video - Anime
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comments for CHECHEN.swf
Song: Chechen feat. Carli - EPA
#1 - babe - 02/03/2016 - 16:01
what anime is the background animation from?
#2 - V - 02/03/2016 - 17:32
Just to clarify it is a swedish song, but it seems "Chechen" is a russia miniority of some sort..
#3 - Tozzi - 02/03/2016 - 18:32
#2, Anime is Tari Tari
#4 - babe - 02/04/2016 - 12:38
#3 Tozzi,
Yeap, it is ethnic group from Caucasus. But I have no idea, why does it have such a name.
#5 - Adlaran - 02/05/2016 - 10:44
It is a Swedish song. Still "quite" hard to hear some words in the lyrics, because that the lyrics is not a 100% right sentience. Also the text at the bottom is not the lyrics that is in the song lyrics. and yeah this song is a "Fjortis" song. bad translated to a young child (14 years old girl often) that is trying to be "cool" and mature you can say.
#6 - x - 02/05/2016 - 23:25
The lyrics is loud and clear in swedish, here is the lyrics for you:

Du är långsam du är tröttsam, men jag låter dig gå tom
Jag tar över du ska rulla du ska köra du ska bom
Du ska bom, bom, du ska du ska bom
Du går tom, du går tom tom, du går du går tom
(Repeat above twice)

Jag får göra som jag vill-ill-ill, för du säger inte till-ill-ill
Varför står då tiden still-ill-ill, när jag får göra som jag vill?
#7 - Tozzi - 02/08/2016 - 19:19
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