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Rating: 2.11 (93)
hits: 9928
size: 1.5 MB
posted: 14.1.2009
approved by: mRkukov
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comments for 1_wildcard.swf
The card game has some weird script that it always does the 'against the odds' thing... Had a 2 and an ace, put all in and dealer gives me a 2, and i lose my 4k stack (What are the odds of that? 0.01%?). Also, one time, dealer gave me two club aces (Uhh, two exactly same cards? WTF).
The animation was much better, though it was kinda weird time to time...
#1 - TheJebe - 01/14/2009 - 20:03
The game's idea sucks. The point is to keep clicking until you get 2-A and bet around half your cash. In addition, the above mentioned bug makes it sucky, since having an ace and a deuce on the table drastically decreases the odds of another one. Also, card dealing is god damn slow, there must be something wrong with the randomization algorithm if it takes that long.
#2 - - 01/14/2009 - 22:17
Also, the point that you lose if dealer gives a card is not in the middle of the cards OR is same as some of the 2 cards dealt sucks, because if you get a king and an ace, you cant win, because if the card dealt is either king or ace, you lose. Only thing i find good is the betting. The idea of you placing the bet yourself is good, but when you have a stack of like 8k, you spend A LOT of time placing the 10 and 5 marks. There should be a 'All in' button and you should be able to use any kind of combination of marks, not directly ordered amounts of 100, 50, 10 and 5 marks.
#3 - TheJebe - 01/15/2009 - 14:55
Why is this not a game?
#4 - TecDax - 09/01/2009 - 03:31
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